Strengthening business support institution capacity and creating joint cross border network
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Strategic focus of the activity package is:
1) to strengthen the partners' and the associate partner’s business support centers technical and professional capacity, to rise ability to consult, to guide, to support SMEs for cross border cooperation between both regions;
2) to disseminate positive examples of cross border cooperation and information among Vidzeme region;
3) to encourage business support centrs to use cross-border support mechanism for promotion of entrepreneurship in regions and raise up level of social economic well-being in the region.

The 1st Sub-objective of the activity package: To organize 3 trainings for the business support specialists of the regions about
a) Business support systems, business environment and busines culture in Russia/ Pskov region and Latvia/Zemgale region;
b) Legal framework, customs requirements for import of goods and services, visa systems in both countries; c) Marketing strategies  - best ways how to enter in the market in both countries.

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